2025 Championship Team Information
Your Information
School Name
School City, State
Contact Name
Contact Email
School Mascot
What division(s) will your program be competing in this year? Please select all that apply.
Junior High Game Day
Junior High Performance
Junior Varsity Game Day
Junior Varsity Performance
Varsity Game Day
Game Day Live
Varsity Performance
Coed Performance
Junior High Non Tumbling
Junior Varsity Non Tumbling
Varsity Non Tumbling
Varsity Coed Non Tumbling
Varsity Non Building
What is special/unique about your program this year? Tell us everything! Example: First time competing, new division, large number of seniors, etc.
What mantras/sayings does your team live by? We want to know what words/sayings you use to motivate your team all year long!
We might feature your team in our venues during competition or on VarsityTV. Tell us something fun and unusual that would make a good short story. You can include team bonding, great school spirit, activities as a team off the mat, superstitions, team inspiration, anything fun that makes your team the best!
What sports does your squad cheer for?
What makes this team different from last year?
Is there a standout athlete on your team? What is their story?
What skill is your team most excited to compete and why?
What community events does your team participate in?
Top finishes at the championship - please include year of each placement.
Captains Name (with year in school; Senior, Junior, etc.)
Number of 1st years on the floor?
Number of 2nd years on the floor?
Number of 3rd years on the floor?
Number of 4th years on the floor?
This event will be televised on ESPN and streamed on Varsity TV. Please provide the names of 1- 2 people for an interview pre- or post-performance, or for a winner's interview.
Was your music created by an original music provider who can provide synchronization rights for broadcast (i.e. the right to synchronize video to the music and broadcast on television)?
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